Policies & Procedures

D10 Code of Conduct – ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY – League Play, Scrimmages & District Tournament.

District 10 adheres to and enforces a zero-tolerance policy. The policy requires all players, coaches, officials, District 10 Board Members, Association Board Members, Parents and Spectators, to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all District 10 scrimmages, games and tournaments.

This includes, and is not limited to, abusive behavior, harassment, bullying, obscene language or gestures, verbal abuse, threats of physical abuse and/or actual physical abuse.

If a spectator(s) conduct becomes so abusive that, in referee(s) opinion, it is distracting from the game or inciting players, the referee(s) will stop the game, with the clock continuing to run, until the spectator is removed from the arena, before the game play will resume.   No added time will be added to the clock for the allotted game time for the time lost for removing a spectator(s) from the arena.

2023 – 2024 Fine Schedule   08-04-2023

D10 Fine Schedule

District 10 Policies & Procedures, Pages 10, 11 & 12.   See full D10 Handbook, for playing rules.

Mouth Guards

Must be attached to the player helmet or officials will send player off the ice until it is attached.  Goaltenders are exempt from being attached.   It is the responsibility of the coaches to make sure their players are wearing the proper safety equipment.   For each game where there is a player on the ice without an attached mouth guard, the association will be fined $200.00 and each offense thereafter and additional $200.00 will be added.  In addition to the fines, the head coach will be suspended from that game.   If there is an occurrence to the same team three (3) times, the head coach will be suspended until he/she meets in front of the D10 Disciplinary Committee, which will decide the fate of the coach for the remainder of the season.

Rescheduling Policy 

District 10 Hockey requires that all games being rescheduled follow the Game Rescheduling Procedures found on page 13 of the District 10 Hockey Handbook.   Failure to follow the Game Rescheduling Procedures will result in a $ 300.00 penalty to your respective Association as well as the game rescheduling fees as outlined in the Game Rescheduling Procedure.

MNH COVID Statement 090921 – final


D10 Code of Conduct

D10 Code of Conduct – ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY – District Tournament

District 10 adheres to and enforces a zero-tolerance policy. The policy requires all players, coaches, officials, District 10 Board Members, Association Board Members, Parents and Spectators, to maintain a sportsmanlike and educational atmosphere before, during and after all District 10 scrimmages, games and tournaments.

This includes, and is not limited to, abusive behavior, harassment, bullying, obscene language or gestures, verbal abuse, threats of physical abuse and/or actual physical abuse.

If a spectator(s) conduct becomes so abusive that, in referee(s) opinion, it is distracting from the game or inciting players, the referee(s) will stop the game, with the clock continuing to run, until the spectator is removed from the arena, before the game play will resume.   No added time will be added to the clock for the allotted game time for the time lost for removing a spectator(s) from the arena.

  • 1st Violation: After confirmation of an offense, those in violation, shall be suspended for a minimum of the next two consecutive games or one week, whichever is greater.  If the Associations policy is greater than D10 the association policy will be followed.
  • 2nd Violation: or Subsequent Violation(s): After confirmation of an offense, those in violation will have to meet with members of the District 10 Hearing Committee, and will be suspended until a meeting/hearing can be convened. This offense may result in penalties up to and including termination of continuing to participate in the current hockey season.   If those in violation consider the penalty unjust, a written appeal can be made to the District 10 Director for a period of ten (10) calendar days of notification of the ruling by the D10 Board.

Our focus is to provide a safe and encouraging environment for players, parents and volunteers.

Zero Tolerance Policy USA Hockey and Minnesota Hockey have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for abuse and misconduct. Through the USA Hockey SafeSport Program, USA Hockey and Minnesota Hockey are committed to creating the safest possible environment for participation in hockey.

  • Spectator conduct becomes so abusive that, in referee(s)’ opinion, it is distracting from the game or inciting players, requiring the referee(s) to stop play and request specified individuals leave the area.
  • An off-ice official (timekeeper, scorekeeper, penalty box attendant) provided by one of the teams exhibits conduct that results in the person being removed from their position by the referee(s).

The USA Hockey Safe Sport Program is intended to protect all participants, not just players, from any type of misconduct or abuse.

Photographic Devices Policy.

District 10 strictly prohibits the possession and/or use of cell phones and/or any type of photographic device(s) in locker rooms. Effective at the start of the 2022-2023 Hockey Season, use of phones, cameras or any device that can take pictures or videos in a locker room is prohibited, at any time or for any reason. Any player(s), locker room monitor(s), coach(s), parent(s), or person(s) caught using phones or photographic devices inside a locker room or has taken pictures or video from within a locker room and posted on social media, the following will be accessed:


  1. 1st Violation: After confirmation, the player shall be suspended from all team activities including “practices, games, (including tournament games), scrimmages, team events” for the next two (2) consecutive games or two (2) weeks of a season, whichever is greater. Player may not be in the locker room or on/near the team bench for games or practices during the suspension time. Player and Parents will meet with the Association President, Association Level Director to discuss future repercussions if it happens again. A $1,000.00 fine will also be assessed to the team/association.
  2. 2nd Violation: After confirmation, the player shall be suspended from all team activities including “practices, games , (including tournament games), scrimmages, team events” for the next four (4) consecutive games or three (3) weeks of a season, whichever is greater. Player may not be in the locker room or on/near the team bench for games or practices during the suspension time period. Player and Parents will meet with the Association President, Association Level Director, District 10 Director and District Level Coordinator to discuss future repercussions. A $2,000.00 will also be assessed to the team/association.
  3. 3rd Violation: After confirmation, the player shall be suspended from all team activities for a period of sixty (60) days, with the same requirements as outlined in the Number 2, 2nd Violation.

Coaches/Parents/Locker Room Monitors “Adult(s)”.

  1. 1st Violation: After confirmation, the “Adult(s)” shall be suspended for the next two (2) consecutive games or two (2) weeks of the season, whichever is greater and assessed a $1,000.00 fine. They will be required to meet with the Association President and Association Level Coordinator to discuss future repercussions if it happens again.
  2. 2nd Violation: After confirmation, the “Adult(s)” shall be suspended for the next four (4) consecutive games or three (3) weeks of a season, whichever is greater and assessed a $2,000.00 fine. They will be required to meet with the Association President, Association Level Coordinator, District Director and District Level Coordinator to discuss future repercussions.
  3. 3rd Violation: After confirmation, the “Adult(s)” shall be suspended for a period of sixty (60) days and will be ban from attending any sanctioned games, practices, D10 Activities, team functions and assessed a $2,000.00 fine. The Home Association will also be assessed a $4,000.00 fine.

After the third (3rd) occurrence by either player or adult(s), the player or adult will be banned from all D10 Activities until a hearing committee shall be convened by D10, to determine any further disciplinary action is required. Any association with outstanding fines, may be considered not in good standing with the district, which will result in the association not being allowed to participate in district tournaments or district events.” These violations by a player or adult(s) can and will be carried over to the next season.

Locker Room Policy:

Locker Room Policy District 10 adheres to USA Hockey’s SafeSport Program as a means to help protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of misconduct, including emotional abuse, bullying, threats, harassment and hazing. To help prevent abuse or misconduct from occurring in our locker rooms, District 10 has adopted a locker room policy, designed to maintain personal privacy as well as to reduce the risk of misconduct in locker rooms.

Locker Room Monitoring:

Locker Room Monitors should conduct a sweep of the locker rooms and changing areas. If the coaches are not inside the locker rooms, then a coach or a volunteer locker room monitors (each of which has been screened) will be posted directly INSIDE of the locker rooms and changing areas during periods of use, and leave the doors open only when adequate privacy is still possible. Only participants (coaches and players), approved team personnel and family members are permitted in the locker room (when appropriate). Team personnel will also secure the locker room appropriately during times when the team is on the ice.

Adult supervisors for the locker room monitoring must follow the screening process in the MN Hockey Handbook, Sexual Abuse, Physical Abuse and Criminal Background Screening Policy. Volunteers MUST be registered as a volunteer with USA Hockey and complete SafeSport training. No team/player(s) shall be allowed to enter a locker room prior to a scheduled event until a proper locker room monitor is present and such monitor shall remain present until the last player leaves the locker room. When coaches are present in the locker room, they may serve as locker room monitors.

1st Violation will result in a warning and discussion with the D10 Director and a $1,000.00 fine to the Association.

2nd Violation will result in a $2,000.00 fine to the Association and a hearing with D10.

3rd Violation will result in a $4,000.00 fine to the Association and a hearing with D10.

Official Locker Room – No one is allowed into the Officials Locker room, without being invited in BY THE OFFICALS. Violations of this rule will be reported to the D10 Supervisor of Officials, who will notify the D10 Director. District 10 will follow the MNH Rules as stated in XV. Conduct that was passed in June, 2022.

SafeSport Locker Room Policy – USA Hockey

All USA member programs must have at least one responsible screened adult (Locker Room Monitor) present to monitor the locker room or changing area. Individual meetings between a minor and a coach in a locker room or changing area requires the presence of a second screened adult.

  • -Permission or lack of permission for parents to be in the locker rooms.
  • -Prohibited conduct, including at least all forms of abuse and misconduct prohibited by USA Hockey
  • -Specific policies for the use of mobile electronic devices and phones and prohibiting the use of a device’s recording capabilities.

Failure by a coach or administrator to take appropriate steps to ensure adherence to the Locker Room Policy, or violation thereof by any participant or parent of a participant is subject to appropriate disciplinary action. It should also be noted that a local program may at its discretion adopt stricter policies than those defined by USA Hockey or Minnesota Hockey, but in no case may said policy be less strict.

Mixed Gender Teams

Some teams consist of both male and female players. It is important that the privacy rights of all players are given consideration and appropriate arrangements are made. Where possible, District 10 will have the male and female players dress/undress in separate locker rooms and then convene in a single locker room before the game or team meeting. Once the game or practice is finished, the players may come to one locker room for a team meeting and then the male and female players proceed to their separate locker rooms to undress and shower, if available. If separate locker rooms are not available, then the players will take turns using the locker room to change. We understand that these arrangements may require that players arrive earlier or leave later to dress but believe that this is the most reasonable way to accommodate and respect all our players.

Waiver Procedure Policy:

Waiver request forms are obtained from the Association Presidents.

See MN Hockey Handbook, Youth Rules and Regulations, IV Participation, for the newest policy on residency, school waivers and


Hockey Education Program (HEP) Fair Play:

  • MN Hockey Handbook – Page 28
  • District 10 – Pg 24 & 25